Paradise Found. Indeed.

Will Paradise bought his first stereo from ListenUp 18 years ago and has been a loyal and enthusiastic customer of Boulder Senior Sales Consultant Jim Kearns ever since. “There’s a level of professionalism with those guys. They do a really good job. There’s no hassle on the sales front, and they let me try out some of the stuff in my house when I was auditioning for some of the different products, which is a sign of a good stereo store.” Will bought Bart’s Record Shop in Boulder six years ago and changed the name to Paradise Found, which moved into its new location at 1645 Pearl Street on April 1, 2021. “I have McIntosh equipment at home,” he says, “and I knew that that’s what I wanted for the new store.” Four pairs of Bowers & Wilkins 606S2 Anniversary Edition speakers are mounted on the wall, all fed by a McIntosh C53 preamplifier and MI254 digital amplifier, plus a 1974 Technics SL 1180 turntable and a CD player that Will already owned.
“The system really fills the space,” he says. “We also have iPads hooked up so we can play new releases when the albums come out on Fridays… Business has been amazing. We sold over 50,000 records between April 1 and November 1.” ListenUp has a symbiotic relationship with Paradise Found, as we’ve been recommending the store to our Boulder customers for years — and vice versa. “I send people over all the time from our store,” Will says. “We sell used stereo equipment and some new stu, like turntables up to $350 or $400, but that’s as high as we go. When people want to get the really good stuff, I tell them, ‘Go to ListenUp. Go see Jim Kearns’.”