From Beefed-up Internet to a Whole-house System

With the prevalence of streaming entertainment, Zoom meetings and more, a robust network based on a strong internet connection is a foundational element of modern homes– it’s an absolute necessity for today’s buyers. Jay and Stacy Albright were looking to purchase a spec home and weren't sure if they could buy the home because of the remote location's internet provider. The Albright’s expressed this concern to their realtor who then did some digging. That’s when Paula Mansfield who is a part of Koebel Development recommended ListenUp’s Dusty Gorski, who had previously helped create a high performance network solution for a house just down the street.
The ListenUp team was able to set a digital backbone for the home by implementing a point-to-point microwave system with XstreamInternet as well as integrating a security router, network switch and wireless access points to provide both wired and wireless networks and internet throughout the residence. The Albrights fully enjoy all the benefits their smart home can bring, with one-button operations of lighting, motorized shades, climate control and entertainment in every area.