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Product Description

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When you touch your device, does the hum/buzz noise decrease? When you let go, does it increase again? If so, this is likely to be caused by a missing earth/ground connection. This connection normally shields your system from such interference and drains away the noise. In this instance, you need the Groundhog+.
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Features & Specs Line Circle

It’s missing an earth/ground. You need the Groundhog+.
RCA Base, USB Converter, Spade Converter, 3.5mm Y-Converter, Banana/RCA (Male)
It’s missing an earth/ground. You need the Groundhog+.
RCA Base, USB Converter, Spade Converter, 3.5mm Y-Converter, Banana/RCA (Male)

Expert Insight

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A great way to eliminate any ground loop

Expert Img
Dylan Crane
Brand Manager


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iFi GroundHog+ Cables

Ever noticed a decrease in hum or buzz noise when you touch your audio device? And when you let go, does it increase again? If so, a missing earth/ground connection might be the culprit. Typically, this connection shields your system from interference and dissipates noise. In such cases, the Groundhog+ from iFi Audio comes to the rescue.

Alternatively, if touching the device doesn't reduce the noise, you may be dealing with a ground loop caused by multiple earths. Enter the iDefender3.0, our effective solution to this common issue.

The Groundhog+ eliminates persistent buzz and hum, grounding your audio system and enhancing resolution, bass, and musicality. With a range of adapters, the Groundhog+ works seamlessly with any device:

  • RCA base cable: Ideal for audio systems with an unused RCA socket.
  • USB converter: Perfect for computer audio systems.
  • Spade converter: Compatible with power supplies featuring a DC barrel connector.
  • 3.5mm Y-converter: Suited for portable devices with an unused 3.5mm connection.

Pair the Groundhog+ with our AC iPurifier for a dual assault on noisy power. While the AC iPurifier tackles electromagnetic or radio-frequency interference, the Groundhog+ offers grounding support. Connect the Groundhog+ to your equipment using the provided banana/RCA cable, enhancing shielding and thwarting external interference.

User Manual Connection Guide


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Product Description

Line Circle
When you touch your device, does the hum/buzz noise decrease? When you let go, does it increase again? If so, this is likely to be caused by a missing earth/ground connection. This connection normally shields your system from such interference and drains away the noise. In this instance, you need the Groundhog+.
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Features & Specs Line Circle

It’s missing an earth/ground. You need the Groundhog+.
RCA Base, USB Converter, Spade Converter, 3.5mm Y-Converter, Banana/RCA (Male)
It’s missing an earth/ground. You need the Groundhog+.
RCA Base, USB Converter, Spade Converter, 3.5mm Y-Converter, Banana/RCA (Male)
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Expert Insight

Line Circle

A great way to eliminate any ground loop

Expert Img
Dylan Crane
Brand Manager
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Line Circle

iFi GroundHog+ Cables

Ever noticed a decrease in hum or buzz noise when you touch your audio device? And when you let go, does it increase again? If so, a missing earth/ground connection might be the culprit. Typically, this connection shields your system from interference and dissipates noise. In such cases, the Groundhog+ from iFi Audio comes to the rescue.

Alternatively, if touching the device doesn't reduce the noise, you may be dealing with a ground loop caused by multiple earths. Enter the iDefender3.0, our effective solution to this common issue.

The Groundhog+ eliminates persistent buzz and hum, grounding your audio system and enhancing resolution, bass, and musicality. With a range of adapters, the Groundhog+ works seamlessly with any device:

  • RCA base cable: Ideal for audio systems with an unused RCA socket.
  • USB converter: Perfect for computer audio systems.
  • Spade converter: Compatible with power supplies featuring a DC barrel connector.
  • 3.5mm Y-converter: Suited for portable devices with an unused 3.5mm connection.

Pair the Groundhog+ with our AC iPurifier for a dual assault on noisy power. While the AC iPurifier tackles electromagnetic or radio-frequency interference, the Groundhog+ offers grounding support. Connect the Groundhog+ to your equipment using the provided banana/RCA cable, enhancing shielding and thwarting external interference.

User Manual Connection Guide

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