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GX3 - Power Amplifier
GX Series amplifiers are ideal for professional entertainers who require maximum performance and portability on a limited budget. The hallmarks of the QSC brand – professional audio quality, meticulous engineering, precision manufacturing and long-term reliability - are all intrinsic to GX. Add contemporary styling, multiple input/output options, light weight, and advanced protection circuitry, and the GX Series clearly represents real value – something everyone can use.
The GX3 is ideal for speakers in the 300 watt (Program) range and it uses the latest evolution of the QSC Grounded Collector output system, for optimum cooling of the critical power transistors. A true Class B biasing system combines maximum thermal efficiency with excellent audio performance.
GX3 - Power Amplifier
GX Series amplifiers are ideal for professional entertainers who require maximum performance and portability on a limited budget. The hallmarks of the QSC brand – professional audio quality, meticulous engineering, precision manufacturing and long-term reliability - are all intrinsic to GX. Add contemporary styling, multiple input/output options, light weight, and advanced protection circuitry, and the GX Series clearly represents real value – something everyone can use.
The GX3 is ideal for speakers in the 300 watt (Program) range and it uses the latest evolution of the QSC Grounded Collector output system, for optimum cooling of the critical power transistors. A true Class B biasing system combines maximum thermal efficiency with excellent audio performance.